Investing in Women = The Future
We love that feeling. That unsuspecting burst of creative energy where all the random dots floating about your brain connect into something worth acknowledging…and something worth investing in.
We spotted a message worth acknowledging in the the Grameen America movement. The documentary To Catch A Dollar shares the stories of how a revolutionary microfinance program came to the U.S. by way of Nobel Peace Prize winner Professor Yunus.
Who are the non-profit Grameen America investments going toward? Women’s ideas, education and businesses. Think of the most innovative woman you know and then think of how a non-collateral loan could propel her efforts to the next level. Snaps Mr. Yunus. Watch the trailer below and we dare you not to tear up just a little.
Think about sparking conversations about worthwhile investments. Share this with your sisters, daughters, mothers and friends. If you want to share in the good vibes and “Help a hard working entrepreneur create their own new American dream,” you can donate here.